Or maybe they are, I haven't really decided yet.
I also have a page showing more Tags/Elements that I may build on...
Click Here to go to that page.
The mark element can look like the text is highlighted
The word <mark>highlight</mark> will show up with a yellow background in this example.
will result in...
The word highlight will show up with a yellow background in this example
The del element will strikethrough text to show it has been removed but you still want it included
The word <del>removed</del> will show up with a strikethrough in this example.
will result in...
The word removed will show up with a strikethrough in this example
The ins element will underline text to show it has been added (or inserted) in to your text
The word <ins>added</ins> will show up underlined in this example.
will result in...
The word added will show up underlined in this example
<sub> & <sup>
The sub element can look like the text is subscripted (lowered) whilst the
sup element will superscript (lift) the relevant text
The word <sub>subscripted</sub> will show up lower
whilst <sup>superscripted</sup> will show up higher in this example.
will result in...
The words subscript will show up lower whilst superscript
will show up higher in this example.
Useful in things like...
Water is H2O *** or *** 52 = 25
The q element will add quotation marks (" ") to show it is a quote
The words <q>My Quote Is Here</q> will be inside quotes in this example.
will result in...
The words My Quote Is Here
will be inside quotes in this example
The blockquote element will indent the text inside the start/end blockquoted text
The text I put here... <blockquote>This is my blockquoted
text. Where does it all go</blockquote> ...will be used in this example.
will result in...
The text I put here...
This is my blockquoted text. Where does it all go...will be used in this example.
The address element can be useful in a 'footer' - and I would guess is good for screen readers
<address>Written By: Gary Kirby.
Visit me at:
1 Hidden Valley,
Lancs 22B 1AB </address>
will result in...
The samp element will display text to simulate computer output
The text <samp>Simulates computer output : 1234567890</samp> in this example.
will result in...
The text Simulates computer output : 1234567890 in this example
The kbd element will display text to simulate text on a keyboard
The text <kbd>Simulates keys on a KEYBOARD : 1234567890</kbd> in this example.
will result in...
The text Simulates keys on a KEYBOARD : 1234567890 in this example