The Drop Down Box is really a
<option value="1">Opt 1</option>
<option value="2">Opt 2</option>
<option value="3">Opt 3</option>
</select> .
You can have any value = "1" or value="opt 1"
and that is the value you will be checking for.
Also see the Input/Text Boxes option in the HTML & CSS Course Index menu
for the similar Dropdown Box using Datalist.
For Example...
<select id="fruits">
<option value="Banana">Banana</option>
<option value="orange">orange</option>
//Use 'selected' to create a default start value
<option value="Apple" selected>Apple</option>
<option value="PEAR">PEAR</option>
<option value="leMON">leMON</option>
In my demo (in the right pane) every time you change the option in the drop down
it will display a message.
For this I am implementing the onchange event and calling my function (called mySwitch)
on the <select id="fruits"> line as follows:
<select id="fruits" onchange="mySwitch('fruits', 'switchId')">
See the code on my form for more
A quick demo...
I am using various upper/lower case in my dropdown box and checking just
for lowercase in my code that uses the 'switch' statement.
Select One:
You cannot use this box and allow the user to enter new text
they can only select one from the list that has already been created.
Apparently a common way to get round this is to have an 'OTHER' option (placed
at the top of the list) which, when chosen, can make visible a hidden
text box where the user can then enter the new field they want added to
the box.
You can then add the new option to your list...Upon a search for
'HTML select form with option to enter custom value'
there are some suggestions of what people have done but I wont go in to it now.