(Using Constructor and Instances)
Class names should always be capitalized then follow camelcase format (capitalize start of
each word), eg Dog, DogClass, myDogClass, etc.
this. is used to tell the system that what follows (the property name)
is part of the class itself.
class Dog {
constructor(name) {
// the constructor tells it to expect a
parameter and holds the list of Properties
this._name = name;
this._behavior = 0;
Then goes on to create what methods are needed in this class
get name() {
return this._name;
get behavior() {
return this._behavior;
incrementBehavior() {
this._behavior ++;
const halley = new Dog('Halley');
console.log(halley.name); // Print name value to console - no () used on getters
console.log(halley.behavior); // Print behavior value to console - no () used on getters
halley.incrementBehavior(); // call method to add one to behavior - not a getter so () needed
console.log(halley.name); // Print name value to console - no () used on getters
console.log(halley.behavior); // Print behavior value to console - no () used on getters
The result of running the above code will be printing some output to the
console.log :-
When creating a class the class name should be capitalized
and there should always be a constructor.
The constructor builds a collection of properties used in the class.
After the constructor, within the class, you create the methods
you require.
class Car { //class
constructor(make, model,
engine, ...) { //constructor
//Properties below...
this._make = make;
this._model = model;
} //end of constructor
//Methods below...
get make() {
return this._make;
get model() {
return this._model;
}//end of class
Creating properties for the class is all part of the constructor section.
Although when you want to access them (read in their values/update their values) then
this is done by using the Getter/Setter methods.
Property names should be prefixed with an underscore (_) which indicate these properties
should not be accessed directly.
Getters are methods. They are in the format :-
get make() {
return this._make;
and/or you could have
get vehicle() {
return this._make + " - " + this._model;
this is called by
Note... you do NOT include open/close round brackets when calling a getter.
Static methods can ONLY be accessed via the class they are in (and NOT via any instances
of that class you create), for insance...
If you add a static method to a Superclass then it is NOT available through one of the Subclasses.
class Animal {
constructor(name) {
this._name = name;
this._behavior = 0;
static generateName() {
const names = ['Angel', 'Spike', 'Buffy', 'Willow', 'Tara'];
const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*5);
return names[randomNumber];
So when you run...
// it returns a name.
but if you have a subclass of the Animal class (called Dog) then
console.log(Dog.generateName()); // will return a TypeError
If you create a static method in a subclass (eg in Dog) then you create an instance of the Dog class...
const tilly = new Dog(param1, param2, ...);
then you can only refer to that static method via the Dog class and NOT via the tilly instance of it.
Creating instances of the class is done by creating a (NEW) variable and linking it to the class.
const myClass = new ClassName(param1, param2, etc);
constructor(p1) { } (1 parameter)
constructor(p1, p2) { } (2 parameters)
const halley = new Dog('Halley');
An instance is an object that contains all the property names and methods of a class.
Using our class scenario (see left pane)...
We use the new keyword to create an instance of our Dog class.
Let’s consider the line of code step-by-step.
We create a new variable named halley that will store an instance of our Dog class.
We use the new keyword to generate a new instance of the Dog class.
The new keyword calls the constructor(), runs the code inside of it, and then returns the new instance.
We pass the 'Halley' string to the Dog constructor, which sets the name property to 'Halley'.
Finally, we log the value saved to the name key in our halley object,
which logs 'Halley' to the console.
Classes can inherit properties from a Superclass (or Parent Class) if they
need the same properties/methods.
This way you do not have to repeat a lot of code in multiple classes.
For instance
You could have a superclass Animal class that holds properties
like name, howManyLegs, Nocturnal.
And then you could have Subclasses (or Child Classes) like Dog, Cat, Badger etc that
need all the properties included with the Animal class plus some of their own properties
unique to themselves.
This would be done by :-
Create a Superclass called ANIMAL
class Animal {
constructor(name, howManyLegs, nocturnal) {
...code for properties in here...
...code for methods in here...
Then you would create your SUBCLASS called Dog...
class Dog extends Animal {
constructor(name, howManyLegs, nocturnal, walks) {
NOTE...When including the properties in ANIMAL you
have to refer to them with 'super(...)'
AND they MUST be entered BEFORE you include properties unique to this subclass.
super(name, howManyLegs, nocturnal);
this._walks = walks;
...Add any methods that are NOT already in the Animal class here...
...for instance 'get walks() {...}
The SUPERCLASS looks just like a normal class and,
therefore, could be used just like a normal class as well as a Superclass.
When you want a class to INHERIT from another class you need to include
the command extends ClassName
on the line where you create the Subclass (see previous pane on the left).
And (in the constructor) you also need to include all the properties (that you need to pass the parameters in for)
that you want to use from the Superclass
as well as any additional ones you want to add to your Subclass. Eg...
constructor(name, howManyLegs, nocturnal, walks) {...}
(name, howManyLegs, nocturnal are in the ANIMAL Superclass -
and walks is the new property just for use in the new Subclass)
Then in the list of properties you have to FIRST of all list ALL the properties you are using from the
Superclass (defined by the SUPER keyword) followed by any other properties unique to this subclass you are
creating. Eg...
super(name, howManyLegs, nocturnal);
this._walks = walks;
I have a form that uses CLASSES that you can take a look at.
It uses a main MEDIA CLASS and then has SUB CLASSES that inherits properties and Methods from the MEDIA class.
It runs from the Main Menu and is listed as
Task (classes) - Books And Stuff
There are also PROTOTYPES that are used with INHERITANCE in Javascript
So far this course does not teach you about them but you can read about it