(either side shrinks twice as fast as center)
(either side does not shrink at all)
(center shrinks twice as fast as either side)
display: flex
changes an element to a block-level container with flex items inside of it.
display: inline-flex
allows multiple flex containers to appear inline with each other.
is used to space items along the main axis.
is used to space items along the cross axis.
is used to specify how much space (and in what proportions) flex items absorb along the main axis.
is used to specify how much flex items shrink and in what proportions along the main axis.
is used to specify the initial size of an element styled with flex-grow and/or flex-shrink.
is used to specify flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis in one declaration.
specifies that elements should shift along the cross axis if the flex container is not large enough.
is used to space rows along the cross axis.
is used to specify the main and cross axes.
is used to specify flex-wrap and flex-direction in one declaration.
Flex containers can be nested inside of each other by declaring
display: flex or display: inline-flex for children of flex containers.
See the code in index.html for more
but for a brief explanation:-
In the <style> area at the top of my form I included...
/*Start with both boxes maintain a width of 45%*/
.flexBlock {
/*set this to NOWRAP now - it is the default so it's not necessary but I wanted to show it.
change to wrap (in the @media command) when screen size shrinks. */
.flexContainer {
flex-wrap: nowrap;
@media only screen and (max-width: 900px) {
/*when screen size drops below 900px make the width 95%*/
/*So it will now show 1 div box instead of 2 wide...
(flex-wrap must change to 'wrap' - see.flexContainer below) */
.flexBlock {
width: 95%;
/*When screen size drops below 900px this makes sure the 2 boxes wrap.*/
.flexContainer {
flex-wrap: wrap;
/*Above here is the code for making the flexbox change it's size and then drop to single boxes*/
Then on the parent (div) container I allocate the class flexContainer
and on the children (div's) I allocate the class flexBlock