The Fetch API is a modern replacement for XMLHttpRequest
My course has a few documents that they recommend taking a look at.
So I have listed a few here:-
a beginners guide
And a basic document from w3Schools can be found HERE
Another document that may be useful is about {cache: "..."}
eg: fetch(url, {cache: "no-cache"})
And a few MDN documents that may be useful:-
AJAX - Getting Started - can be found
Fetching Data from the Server - can be found
Using Fetch - can be found
Third-party APIs - can be found
The Fetch API interface allows web browsers to make HTTP requests to web servers.
With no need for XMLHttpRequest anymore.
A quick example of this, for GETting the information could be...
//sends request
//Note .then() will ONLY fire after the promise status
//of fetch() has been resolved
.then(response => {
//converts response to JSON
if (response.ok) {
//(The reason we’re testing the ok
//property of the response object
//is that it will be a Boolean value.
//If there were no errors response.ok will be true and then
//your code will return response.json() - this
//will then get passed on to the next .then()
return response.json();
//handles Errors
// If there was an error with response.json
// then create the message to be viewed
throw new Error('Request Failed!');
}, networkError => {
// If we could not reach the endpoint at all,
// e.g., the server is down, then we would get
// this networkError.
// If there was an error then run this
// this is the end of the first .then()
//handles Success
// It won’t run until the previous .then() method has
// finished running.
// (the response.json value from the previous
// .then() is used and saved as 'jsonResponse).
// It will also not run if there was
// an error thrown previously.
.then(jsonResponse => {
// Code to execute with jsonResponse...
return jsonResponse;
// this is the end of the second .then()
This uses stringify
A quick example of this, for POSTing the information could be...
//sends request
//Note .then() will ONLY fire after the promise status
//of fetch() has been resolved
fetch('', {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({id: "200"})
.then(response => {
//converts response to JSON
if (response.ok) {
//(The reason we’re testing the ok
//property of the response object
//is that it will be a Boolean value.
//If there were no errors response.ok will be true and then
//your code will return response.json() - this
//will then get passed on to the next .then()
return response.json();
//handles Errors
// If there was an error with response.json
// then create the message to be viewed
throw new Error('Request Failed!');
}, networkError => {
// If we could not reach the endpoint at all,
// e.g., the server is down, then we would get
// this networkError.
// If there was an error then run this
// this is the end of the first .then()
//handles Success
// It won’t run until the previous .then() method has
// finished running.
// (the response.json value from the previous
// .then() is used and saved as 'jsonResponse).
// It will also not run if there was
// an error thrown previously.
.then(jsonResponse => {
// Code to execute with jsonResponse...
return jsonResponse;
// this is the end of the second .then()
Here is another little example of how async/await and fetch can be used...
//create an anonymouse function (arrow function) //saved to a const getData. // The async keyword will ensure that the // function returns a promise. const getData = async () => { try { //We’ll have to save the returned promise //in a variable //called response using the const keyword. //response will save the response of //endpoint once //that information has been sent back. const response = await fetch( ""); //Create a conditional statement that //checks if the ok property //of the response object evaluates to //a truthy value. if (response.ok) { //Since .json() is an asynchronous //method we have to await //until the promise status is resolved. //Then we store the value to know what //data the JSON holds. const jsonResponse = await response.json(); //Normally, we’d want to use the //information from //jsonResponse in a different manner. //but for now just return the result return jsonResponse; } //If it fails create your error message throw new Error('Request failed!'); } catch (error) { //Since this exercise is an example, //we’re using //console.log() to view the error. //Generally, developers create a //more sophisticated way //of handling the error, //like redirecting their //users to another page console.log(error); } }
And this partial example consists of the code
for one form (would be called main.js).
It also uses a file called 'helperFunctions.js' but I have not
included it here as it will be pretty much the same as what is
already present in the 'HTTPRequest' folder for the other projects.
So if you want to then take a look there.
The project also used a file which is very similar, if not the same,
as rebrandly_HTTPRequests.html
so I am not including that either.
I am not running this as a working example I just wanted to show the code that did change
a bit and that is below...
// information to reach API const apiKey = 'ENTER YOUR REBRANDLY API KEY IN HERE'; const url = ''; // Some page elements that are on HTTPRequests.html const inputField = document.querySelector('#input'); const shortenButton = document.querySelector('#shorten'); const responseField = document.querySelector('#responseField'); // AJAX functions // Code goes here const shortenUrl = async () => { const urlToShorten = inputField.value; const data = JSON.stringify({destination: urlToShorten}); try { const response = await fetch( url, {method: 'POST', body: data, headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'apikey': apiKey} } ); if (response.ok) { const jsonResponse = await response.json(); renderResponse(jsonResponse); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); }; }; // Clear page and call AJAX functions const displayShortUrl = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); while(responseField.firstChild){ responseField.removeChild(responseField.firstChild); } shortenUrl(); } shortenButton.addEventListener('click', displayShortUrl);
The APIs used are from
API Keys provided by the two companies will be required to run the page
I have my own keys but cannot hard code them in the form.
The files used for this example are as follows:-
To run this example
Click Here