Setting the style of margin: 0 auto will centre the [body] on the page
but you would need to set a width (eg width: 80%) otherwise it takes up the whole page.
This section I wanted to appear next to the first section
so I created a [div] that covers both Section 1 and Section 2
(ALL [div]'s are bordered in Blue) and gave it a style...
This way the &bnsp;&bnsp;flex&bnsp;&bnsp; means it can line
the inside sections up how I want.
Each of the two sections have a background-color set as #B0E0E6...
which is the same as the [div] that contains them.
And then within the first section are 2 other sections (one below the other)
I then added an [article] to section 1
and an [aside] to section 2
(Not fully used on the code for this page)
header - Defines a header for a document or a section
nav - Defines a set of navigation links
section - Defines a section in a document
article - Defines an independent, self-contained content
aside - Defines content aside from the content (like a sidebar)
footer - Defines a footer for a document or a section
details - Defines additional details that the user can open and close on demand
summary - Defines a heading for the <details> element
You can read more about semantic elements in our
HTML Semantics chapter
You can use the...
<img src="images/..." />
Include text here describing the image
Use the figure to structure a photo in a document and
figcaption to display a caption for the photo
You can read more about figure/figcaption
A little image of Wile E Coyote.</figcaption>