
Example of CSS Selectors

Also known as 'pseudo elements' and 'pseudo classes'
(Elements are the whole command eg a:hover {...} and the
Class is the function part eg :hover)

Placed inside the <style> </style> area
   p { styles}

Go and visit CSS Selector References for more on things like...
:visited, :link, :only-child, :read-only, :valid, [attribute], etc

Selector concept Pt 1

the tag on its own selects ALL instances of that tag
h1 {color:red;}
will change the color of the text in ALL h1 tags to be red

the dot (.) represents a tag with a class="classname" given to it
.myClassName {color:red;}
will change the color of the text in ALL tags with a class="myClassName" associated to it

the hash (#) represents a tag with an id="idname" given to it
#myId {color:red;}
will change the color of the text in ALL tags with an id="myId" associated to it

the tag, followed by a .classname selects tags that also that class attched to it
h1.myClassName {color:red;}
will change the color of the text in ALL h1 tags that ALSO have the class="myClassName" attached.

the tag, followed by a hash (#) represents a tag with an id="idname" attached to it
h1#myId {color:red;}
will change the color of the text in ALL h1 tags with an id="myId" associated to it

Selector concept Pt 2

You can also list it like, for example...

h1, h2, h3 {color: red;}
this will change the color of the text in ALL h1 AND h2 AND h3 tags

h1, h2.myClassName, h3#myId {color: red;}
this will change the color of the text in ALL h1 tags
AND the h2 tags with a class="myClassName"
AND the h3 tags with an id="myId"

div p.myClassName {color: red;}
this will change the color of the text in ALL 'p' elements (with a class="myClassName") that are within the div element (see example )

.myClass p.myClassName {color: red;}
this will change the color of the text in ALL 'p' elements (with a class="myClassName") that are within an element with the class="myClass"

div > p.myClassName {color: red;}
this will change the color of the text in ALL 'p' elements (with a class="myClassName") that has a parent div element (see example )

div + p {color: red;}
this will change the color of the text in the a 'p' element that is directly AFTER a div element (see example )

div ~ p {color: red;}
this will change the color of the text in every 'p' element that is a sibling of the div ...(see example )


Selector concept Pt 3

the[ ] represents an attribute
a[href="index.html"] {color:red;}
will change the color of the text in ALL anchor (a) tags with an attribute of href="index.html"
(see example )

the *= means any anchor tag with an attribute of href="..." and the text 'index' anywhere within the quotes (" ")
[href*="index"] {color:red;}
will change the color of the text in ALL anchor (a) tags with an attribute of href="nnnindexnnn"

the ~= means any anchor tag with an attribute of href="..." and the word 'index' anywhere within the quotes (" ")
(Note...index would be found but indexes would not) eg...
[href~="index"] {color:red;}
will change the color of the text in ALL anchor (a) tags with an attribute of href="nnn index nnn"

the ^= means any anchor tag with an attribute of href="..." and the text inside the quotes MUST START with "index"
[href^="index"] {color:red;}
will change the color of the text in ALL anchor (a) tags with an attribute of href="indexnnnn"

the $= means any anchor tag with an attribute of href="..." and the text inside the quotes MUST END with ".html"
[href$=".html"] {color:red;}
will change the color of the text in ALL anchor (a) tags with an attribute of href="nnnn.html"


CSS Selectors have a few types

A few examples would be :-



When you click on a link it becomes ACTIVE so you could say
a:active {font-size: 2em;}


When you hover your mouse over an element you could, eg underline it
.MyHover:hover {color:red;}

For example,

You can HOVER your mouse over the text that says HOVER HERE to see
it change to a red color.

And you can CLICK the link that says CLICK ME to see
it double the original text size.


I am also using (in the <Styles> area) the command
p.fLet::first-letter {
   font-size: 200%;
   color: #8A2BE2;

in order to change the FIRST character of EVERY <p> element that has a class="fLet".


CSS Selectors have a few types

More examples would be :-


When you use the :focus in, for example, an INPUT box you could set the background colour whenever you are about to enter text in it.
input:focus {background-color: yellow;}
Click on each input box below to see it in action
